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Design of Steam Boilers

  • Introduction to Steam Boiler and Fired Pressure Vessel

    Each steam boiler and fired pressure vessel installed and operate in this country shall have a valid certificate of fitness (CF). Hence, the steam boiler and fired pressure vessel shall first obtain design approval from the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Headquarters before fabrication, installation or operation.

    The interpretation of "steam boiler" and “fired pressure vessel” under Act 139, Factories and Machinery Act, 1967, Section 3:

    "steam boiler" means any closed vessel in which for any purpose steam is generated under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, and includes any économiser used to heat water being fed to the vessel, and any superheater used for heating surface, and any pipes and fittings connected thereto ".

    "fired pressure vessel" means an enclosed vessel under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure which is subjected to direct firing, but does not include a steam boiler

    The following are several examples of steam boiler and fired pressure vessel which must be registered:

     1.     Autoclave
     2.     Electric Steam Boiler
     3.     Water Tube Steam Boiler
     4.     Fire Tube Steam Boiler
     5.     Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)
     6.     Hot Water Boiler
     7.     Thermal Oil Heater
  • A. Manufacturing
    All locally made steam boiler must be fabricated by a competent firm registered with the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and only the competent firm is responsible to submit design approval application.

    Meanwhile, all imported steam boiler shall be fabricated by manufacturer along with Design Appraisal Certificate from Inspecting Authority.

    B. Modification
    Application for modification shall be submitted to the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Headquarters for approval. The modification can be carried out by a competent firm registered with the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) or origin manufacturer. The details of proposed modification on steam boiler and fired pressure vessel must be clearly explained by the applicant.

    The scope of modification is the work involves cutting, welding, patching or riveting of any member thereof which is subject to a stress induced by fluid pressure other than the repair scope as follows

      1. without changes on the original design which has been approved by the Department or,
      2. with the changes allowed on the original design which has been approved by the Department namely:
      3. Replacement of a pressure-retaining part with a material of different nominal composition and, equal to or greater in allowable stress from that used in the original design, provided the replacement material satisfies the material and design reqirements of the original code of construction. The minimum required thickness shall be at least equal to the original material thickness.
      4. Replacement of slip –on flanges with weld neck flanges or vice versa.
      5. The installation of a flush patch to a pressure-retaining item.
      6. Installation of new nozzles of such a size and connection type that reinforcement and strength calculations are not a consideration required by the original code of construction.
      7. The addition of a nozzle where reinforcement is a consideration may be considered to be a repair, provided the nozzle is identical to one in the original design, located in a similar part of the vessel, and not closer than three times its diameter from another nozzle.
      8. In the boiler, a change in the arrangement of tubes in furnaces walls, economizers or superheater sections.
  • A. Application

    The application for Steam Boiler Design Approval can be submitted via MySKUD System. Please log in through Single Sign On (SSO) at > menu MySKUD.&nbsp The following is the information needed for approval of the steam boiler design:


    B. Client Charter
    Application submitted with completed documents will be processed within 30 working days from the date of application received.

    C. Fees

    1 Steam boiler design approval (comply with standard requirement) RM100
    2 Steam boiler design approval (not comply with standard requirement) RM150
    3 Steam boiler modification approval No Fee
  • Further enquiries may be directed to:Head of the Steam Boiler Unit,
    Head of the Steam Boiler Unit,
    Steam Boiler Unit,
    Industrial Safety Division,
    Level 3, Block D4, Complex D,
    Federal Government Administrative Centre
    62530 Putrajaya

    Tel: +603-88865325
    Fax: +603-88892349

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