SiRAC Training Centre

  • The Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulations (USECHH Regulations) came into force since 2000. The main provision in these regulations contains the assessment of health risks to chemicals hazardous to health.

    The department took an initiative to develop a "Manual on Simple Risk Assessment and Control for Chemicals (SiRAC)" to facilitate the assessment carried out according to the 'Control Banding' system which aims to suggest easy control for all industries, especially small and medium industries (SMEs) which commonly lack of expertise in occupational safety and health (OSH).

    In line with the SiRAC implementation plan, there is a requirement for existing assessor or other OSH practitioners in the industry to attend training related to risk assessment to health according to SiRAC’s methodology. This training is important to ensure that assessors and other OSH practitioners can conduct assessments according SiRAC’s methodology properly.

    In order to provide more systematic training to existing assessors or other OSH practitioners in the industry and further ensure the quality of training provided, a recognized training centre is needed. Therefore, to ensure that the training standards provided by the training centre can be controlled and meet the objectives, recognition will be given to the training centre that meets the criteria set out in this guidance.
