Failure During Luffing Crane Erecting Works

bkf 062013
Photo : Deformed luffing crane boom found hanging at side of the building after the incident

A luffing tower crane is in an erecting process from level 1 to level 10 using internal climbing technique. The luffing crane had completed the erection from level 1 to level 4 during the earlier stage of the building construction. On the day of the incident approximately during noon time, the luffing crane start erecting from level 4 to level 7. When the erection of the luffing crane nearly approaching level 7, the hydraulic pump motor start to produce abnormal sound and also heard of certain sound like metal to metal contact friction. Immediately the competent person issue an order to stop the luffing crane erecting operation. During the process of identifying the source of the abnormal sound, suddenly hear a loud sound before the whole internal climbing frame mechanism together with some part of the luffing crane fall to the pit. During the time of the incident, all office and condominium construction works are in semi active condition due to festive season.

Below are several safety measures to be taken by all parties involved in the process of tower crane erection

  1. Project contractor and competent tower crane erection firm to undertake a thorough meeting and discussion on the risk assessments regarding the intended tower crane erecting activity and safety aspects to be considered before, during and after carrying out tower crane erecting works.
  2. To ensure all physical aspects of supporting components e.g. climbing ladders, supporting brackets, climbing gear catch hooks, essential fittings on hydraulic pumps and testing procedures on the internal climbing system are conducted by certified competent personnel before carrying out any tower crane erection activity. Inspection records must be completed and well kept upon any request from DOSH officers.
  3. Project contractor must plan and conduct a thorough system of supervision on the tower crane erecting firm to ensure all safety procedures are being complied.
  4. To ensure proper information, directive, guideline and special trainings besides effective supervisory skills to be provided to all workers directly involved in tower crane erection activities.
  5. To comply and follow specifically on the erecting manual prepared by the manufacturer and supplier of the crane in order to avoid any unwanted incidents.
  6. Prepare a written climbing plan to ensure better communication between personals or individuals in carrying out tower crane erecting works
