Passenger/Material Hoist Accident At Construction Site In Putrajaya

BKF 010715

An accident involving a passenger/material hoist crashed down occurred in an apartment construction project in Putrajaya .The hoist has been dropped suddenly from a height of about 30 meters (level 10 ) to the ground level . This accident caused four workers who were in the machinery died. The passenger/material hoist has suffered severe damage.

The recommendation of accident prevention measures:

  1. Passenger/material hoist must be installed according to the instructions specified by the manufacturer, and it also should be installed by the competent persons.
  2. Passenger/material hoist shall be operated in compliance with instructions or Safe Operating Procedure lay down by the manufacturer as contained in the instruction manual.
  3. Passenger/material hoist should be inspected and fully tested by the competent persons before commencement the operation.
  4. All the safety devices of the hoist shall be inspected and tested to make sure it works well before the hoist can be operated.
  5. The hoist must be operated by an authorized personnel or competent operator.
  6. The Effective Maintenance Program to be performed by the owner of the hoist. The maintenance program should be carried out according to the instructions or procedures that have been set by the manufacturer of machinery or any recognized standard or code. Maintenance must also be carried out by the competent persons / company.
  7. The hoist must undergo periodic inspections or special examination on each of the components, especially the mechanical components of the machine. This is to ensure the integrity and safety of the hoist.
  8. Periodic inspections shall be carried out by using a checklist of hoist specified by the manufacturer. Detailed inspections on hoist component should be done before and after the operation of the hoist. Inspections program shall comply with the instructions of the hoist manufacturer and the inspection should be done by the qualified or competent persons.
  9. Should the hoist component suffered severe damage; these components must be replaced immediately with new components that meet the manufacturer's instructions and specifications.
  10. Hoist repair works must be done by those who are competent/qualified and the repairing work shall comply with the manufacturer's instructions.


  1. Guidelines For Public Safety and Health at Construction Sites, JKKP Malaysia.
  2. Safe use of lifting equipment. Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998.HSE UK.
  3. Safework SA , Government of South Australia.

