Good Hoist Drum Motor Fell On The Worker’s Head

Photo: View at lower ground floor which was covered with blood

The incident involved a machine that has been fabricated and installed in a furniture store. It has the characteristic of a hoisting machine [which can be classified as Goods Hoist] which had resulted in a worker being crushed to death by a drum motor which had fallen down. The victim body was discovered at the lower ground of the building and covered with blood with his head smashed.

From the initial investigation, it was found that the incident was due to hook installation [hook] on the cross beam structure at the top level which is used to hang the drum motor. The hook cannot withstand the load, which was being lifted. The victim was believed to have started work after the holiday. He is likely to have not received any safety training on use of the machinery, which was newly fitted in that furniture store, and it is not yet completely installed and tested properly.

The machinery installed was for moving goods from lower ground floor to top floor or vice versa. Installation and use of machinery should obtain prior approval from the Department of Safety and Health.

Followings are some of the safety precautions:

  1. Providing a safe operating procedure for workers who will be operating the machinery;
  2. Carry out risk assessment on hazards that may arise from the machinery or its operation;
  3. Load capacity that can be accommodated by the machinery should be known and communicated to the operator who operates the machine so that it will not be operated beyond safe working load limit;
  4. Information, instruction guidance and training as well as effective supervision from time to time to be given to the operator who operates this machine;
  5. Employers must ensure the safety of its employees who carry out their tasks using such machinery in the work area;
  6. The structural integrity of any installed machinery must be tested before it is used;
  7. Design and installation drawing for this type of machinery must have the approval from the professional engineer[PE] for submission to the department; and
  8. Certificate of fitness must be obtained from the regional office before the machinery is used.
