Working towards a safe community

The Star Online, 14 November 2012

AT a time when issues concerning crime and security are given national focus, the Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) calls on all Malaysians to work with one mind for the realisation of a 1Malaysia 1Safe Community.

In this regard, the Government has to provide all the necessary resources to beef up law enforcement agencies to enable them to combat crime more effectively.

A “1Malaysia” must also mean a safe and secure Malaysia – a nation free not only from crime but also from unwanted accidents and man-made disasters.

The definition of a “Safe Community” is one in which people live, work and play safely and healthily. This can be achieved when private and public sectors work in partnership to improve the safety and health of the people in the community.

Besides improving the lives of individuals, safe communities create many common benefits, such as improved safety, less crime, improved productivity and competitiveness, lower healthcare costs, and a reduction in social expenditure.

Developing a safety culture is best achieved through building a safe community.

The safe community approach provides a focal point for community leaders, employers and employees, policemen and firemen to build a better community where they work or live.

A safe and healthy workplace will benefit the enterprises not only in reduced injuries and cost of accidents, it also enhances the productivity and workers’ morale.

A comfortable and safe environment for schools and hospitals will improve the safety of schoolchildren and the effective delivery of services. A community where safety culture is strong and concern for others is high will also benefit the government administration.

The safe community programme is an integrated development of a safety culture in the community that encompasses work safety, school safety, recreational safety, crime prevention and others.

Effective programmes can be realised through the synergy of safety and health initiatives of different community groups, local corporations, businesses, organisations, associations, schools, healthcare providers, government agencies and other service groups.

As crime continues to occur, the Government has to promulgate effective social policies and programmes to prevent and control criminal activities.

Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation
