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Occupational Diseases and Poisoning Investigation

In 2015, a total of 5960 cases of occupational disease and poisoning have been reported to the Occupational Health Division as compared with 2648 cases reported in the year 2014. Sabah (1470 cases; 24.7%), Penang (1341 cases; 22.5%) and Sarawak (704 cases; 11.8%) have reported most number of occupational disease and poisoning cases for the year 2015. A total of 4034 cases have been successfully investigated for the purpose of carrying out improvements to the workplace in terms of occupational health. A total of 3377 cases of occupational disease that were investigated were of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and the disease is still the most common occupational disease experienced by workers (83.7%) as compared with other diseases. This was followed by occupational musculoskeletal diseases, i.e. a total of 147 cases (4.4%) and occupational lung diseases, of 91 cases (2.3%) were investigated in 2015. Diseases caused by physical agents were the least investigated diseases by the Division whereby no cases were investigated in 2015.

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2015 type of diseases

Analysis of occupational disease and poisoning by sector revealed that the manufacturing sector recorded the most number of cases of occupational disease and poisoning in 2015, a total of 3487 cases (86.4%). This was followed by the public service sectors, of 149 cases (3.6%) and the agricultural sector, a total of 122 cases (3.0%). The Occupational Health Division also investigated ex-gratia compensation cases for occupational disease confirmation purpose for the government employees and a total of 38 cases have been successfully investigated for the year 2015.

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