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Occupational Diseases and Poisoning Investigation

In 2017, a total of 6020 cases of occupational disease and poisoning have been reported to the Occupational Health Division as compared with 7820 cases reported in the year 2016. Penang (1352 cases; 22.5%), Selangor (996 cases; 16.5%) and Johor (622 cases; 10.3%) have reported most number of occupational disease and poisoning cases for the year 2017. A total of 3890 cases were confirmed as occupational diseases and poisonings and workplace improvement in terms of occupational health was carried out. A total of 2478 cases were confirmed as occupational noise-induced hearing disorders (Noise-induced Hearing Loss, Hearing Impairment, and Permanent Standard Threshold Shift) and these disorders are still the most common occupational disease experienced by workers (63.7%) as compared to other diseases. This was followed by occupational musculoskeletal diseases, i.e. a total of 126 cases (3.2%) and occupational skin diseases, of 69 cases (1.8%). There were no confirmed cases of occupational cancer in 2017.


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Analysis of occupational disease and poisoning by sector revealed that the manufacturing sector recorded the most number of cases of occupational disease and poisoning in 2017, a total of 3349 cases (86.1%). This was followed by the mining sectors, of 117 cases (3.01%) and the public service sectors, a total of 116 cases (2.98%).


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